About / Pacific Islands
Pacific Islands
Pacific Islands
Hawai‘i Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) Program

The Hawaiʻi B-WET program plays a foundational role as an environmental education program, promoting locally relevant, experiential learning, primarily for grades K-12, on regional priorities such as Earth science, climate science, and indigenous local knowledge models for all sciences. Funded projects provide Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences for students and professional development for teachers. The purpose for this financial assistance is to support communities by developing well-informed members of society who are involved in decision-making that positively impacts coastal, marine, and watershed ecosystems in the Hawaiian Islands.
Grantee spotlight: University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s College of Education, Curriculum Research and Development Group (Our Project in Hawaii's Intertidal – OPIHI)
Learn about other B-WET projects implemented in Heʻeia, Oʻahu.
Hawaiʻi B-WET Program Project Highlights (2004-2014) – updates coming soon
For more information, contact us.