Flooding Reduction and Habitat Creation through Tidal Wetland Restoration in Novato Creek

Recipient: Marin County Public Works

Grant Amount: $7,107,000 Matching Funds: $3,345,000

This award will restore native habitat for listed species such as the California black rail, salt marsh harvest mouse, San Pablo song sparrow, and saltmarsh common yellowthroat by excavating a creek channel to increase tidal conveyance, breaching levees, and creating 5,500 linear feet of ecotone slopes. The project will restore 71.1 acres of habitat, including 57 acres of native tidal wetlands, providing flood protection to upstream public assets and communities while mitigating the impacts of sea level rise.

For more information on the grant program funding this project, please visit the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law webpage. For more information on the National Coastal Resilience Fund, visit National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s website.